2011 Clear Admit MBA Applications Wo … - 職場

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2011-07-27T00:34

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※ [本文轉錄自 MBA 看板 #1EBkSG7M ]

作者: Moloch (Where and When) 看板: MBA
標題: [情報] 2011 Clear Admit MBA Applications Workshop
時間: Wed Jul 27 00:10:54 2011


2011 Clear Admit MBA Applications Workshop

Learn the secrets of how admissions officers at Stanford, Harvard, Wharton
and other top business schools evaluate your applications!

Time: Saturday, August 6, 2011, 1 PM to 5 PM
Location: 犇亞國際會議中心 - (台北市復興北路99號6F,
Sign-up: send email confirmation to [email protected]
Fee: free

Clear Admit, the world’s premier MBA admission consulting firm, will host a
free MBA admissions strategy workshop in Taipei at the Primasia International
Conference Center (犇亞國際會議中心) on Saturday, August 6, 2011, from 1 PM
to 5 PM. During the workshop, Clear Admit will utilize its experiences and
connections at the admissions offices of top schools such as Stanford,
Harvard, Wharton and Columbia to discuss how you can maximize your chances of
being admitted to elite schools by preparing applications that will appeal to
the admissions officers. The agenda of the event is listed as below:

1:00pm-1:30pm Quotas for Taiwanese and Chinese students: facts and myths

1:30pm-1:45pm Admissions officers: who they are and what this means for your

1:45pm-2:00pm Overall application strategy: is “being yourself” really

2:00pm-3:30pm Secrets on writing the perfect application essay:
‧ Overall dos and don’ts
‧ Essay type: career goals
‧ Essay type: “why X school”
‧ Essay type: accomplishments
‧ Essay type: failures
‧ Essay type: abstract (e.g., Stanford’s “What Matters Most” essay)

3:30pm-4:00pm Interviews: why you need to prepare differently for each school

4:00pm-4:30pm Recommendation letters: who/what are the best recommenders and

4:30pm-5:00pm MBA alumni experience sharing

In addition, during the workshop you will have plenty of time to ask specific
questions about MBA admissions and MBA programs. For those of you who prefer
not to ask your questions in public, we encourage you to email us your
questions beforehand so that we can discuss them anonymously during the
workshop. Spaces are limited for this workshop and sign-ups will be on a
first-come, first-served basis, so sign up early to make sure you get a seat!

Free Clear Admit guides and essay editing:

Each person who attends the workshop will receive one Clear Admit guides of
his or her choice (see http://www.clearadmit.com/pub.html for a list of all
available guides). Also, if you bring a copy of your resume to the workshop,
you can enter a drawing through which Clear Admit will select five winners to
receive one free round of editing for one essay (750 words or less) that is
submitted to Clear Admit before August 31, 2011. Only those who attend the
workshop (not those who sign up but don’t attend) will receive the free
guides and be eligible for the essay editing drawing.

To sign up:

Email: Kevin Chen, Partner/Senior Admissions Consultant at Clear Admit, at
[email protected] with the following information:

Your name
Your current company and title (if currently working)
Your undergraduate school
Your GMAT score (if available)
Your target business schools
Any questions you would like to ask

See you at the workshop!

Kevin Chen
Partner/Senior Admissions counselor, Clear Admit LLC
Master degrees: Stanford Graduate School of Business; Harvard Kennedy School
of Government
Bachelor degree: Princeton University
Previous work experiences: Reuters; McKinsey; NBA

MBA Admissions Blog: http://blog.clearadmit.com (daily updates and admissions
MBA Admissions Wiki: http://www.clearadmit.com/wiki (latest reports from the
applicant community)
Clear Admit School Guides: http://www.clearadmit.com/guides.html (in-depth
research reports on the leading schools)

Clear Admit is an MBA admissions consulting firm founded and staffed by
full-time consultants with extensive experiences and connections at the
admissions offices of top MBA programs such as Stanford, Harvard, Wharton and
Columbia. As featured by BusinessWeek and The Wall Street Journal, Clear
Admit uses a highly personalized methodology that combines the perspectives
of MBA admissions officers, expert editors, MBA students, and MBA applicants
to maximize applicants’ chances for acceptance at top MBA programs.

Tags: 職場

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Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2011-07-26T20:31
文長 不喜勿入 ========================================================= 今天真的很無奈 一位進來不到一年的女同事跟我與老闆發脾氣 她沒有公司職場經驗 因為她過去都是在當freelancer 進我們公司是她第一份正職 但在職場上 已經造成很多同事 ...


Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2011-07-26T12:55
是我還戀棧嗎 目前我在一間飯店上班,職務是櫃檯人員 從飯店最初移交時跟著大家一起,從無到有的慢慢把這間「廢墟」弄得像間飯店 老闆待人也很和氣,凡是親力親為,有時你會看到他在廚房端盤子; 有時你會看到他在門口送客。 現在回頭想想真是好懷念當初不分彼此的快樂時光喔 從去年這間飯店被我們整理的愈 ...


Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2011-07-25T16:38
現在的你對人生有迷惘嗎? 正處於徬徨的左右為難十字路口嗎? 那請讓中國老祖宗的智慧透過易經占卜來幫你撥開雲霧給你指引的方向吧! 可問卜項目【時運】,【財運】,【婚姻】,【考運】,【身體】 易經占卜免費體驗報名方式: (1) 體驗日期:(7/26)星期二晚上六點到九點 (2) 體驗時段: ...


Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2011-07-25T13:01
今天我被公司的業主的窗口主管洗臉了~ 我的工作,要負責幫公司向業主請款,一貫的作法就是,我每個月列好請款明細, 把資料給業主那邊的窗口,對方核對無誤後,再往他們公司更高的主管送審資料…… 當然,前題我一定會很仔細的核對資料,才把明細傳給業主,若真有錯誤,窗口也一定會 跟我說,請我改(不這麼做,他也無法繼作業 ...


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2011-07-25T07:05
換到新公司 部門間還蠻常藉由各種大大小小的名目找時間請客聚餐 聚餐時最討厭遇到一種人 明明只邀請他一個 最後到場都是他全家 有次同事請客 結果被邀請的同事裡 有個當媽的 想說省下煮飯錢 就把一家四口都帶去 放小孩在餐廳亂叫亂跑 最後還亂哭一通 結果當爸媽的只顧著吃而已 ( ︶︿︶)_╭∩╮ 上星 ...