CEIBS info session in Taipei! - 工管

Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2011-12-04T17:50

Table of Contents

Dear all:

As we reach the middle point of the application season, CEIBS
would cordially like to invite you to participate in a CEIBS
MBA Students Sharing Session in Taipei, Taiwan on 24 December,
2011 (additional details below). Come learn how a MBA from China's
#1 business school will allow you to leverage your experience in
Taiwan to pursue various opportunities in China's booming economy.

Several of our current MBA students will be sharing their experiences
at CEIBS including the social, academic, and professional aspects
of the MBA program. This session will give you an opportunity to
interact and network with existing students in a more casual

Event details:

Time: 12/24/2012 14:30 p.m.
Venue: Mr. Brown Coffee (Jianguo Store)
伯朗咖啡館 (建國店)
No.166, Sec. 1, Jianguo S. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei, Taiwan

We look forward to seeing you then!



中歐商學院台灣俱樂部歡迎您!! FaceBook account : Ceibs Taiwan Club

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