MIT 的 Cover Letter - 工管

Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2011-07-16T23:09

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Yep, the same people will read the cover letter and the essay. So your move
is to treat that cover letter…just like one of the essays! It will be your
career goals essay most likely, but focusing (as you probably know already)
on your SHORT term goals. Sloan is known for not wanting to hear much about
what you think you want to do in the future. So focus on the SHORT term
goals in that essay, treat it LIKE an essay (so no repetition please!) and
you should be juuust fine my friend. Hope this helps, and good luck!

Jon Frank
HBS 2005
Co-Founder Precision Essay

※ 引述《askMBA (PTT_MBA)》之銘言:
: 請問一下,MIT Sloan的Cover Letter,裡面的內容,跟essay裡面,要寫不
: 一樣嗎? Cover Letter和essay 讀的人是同一群嗎?
: 因為覺得寫的東西有可能會重複,如果是同一群人讀,那可能要寫不同內容,
: 來涵蓋更多內容,但如果是不同人讀,就要刻意重複來讓這兩群人都看得到。
: 不知道怎麼寫比較好。

Tags: 工管

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MIT 的 Cover Letter

Una avatar
By Una
at 2011-07-14T21:01
請問一下,MIT Sloan的Cover Letter,裡面的內容,跟essay裡面,要寫不 一樣嗎? Cover Letter和essay 讀的人是同一群嗎? 因為覺得寫的東西有可能會重複,如果是同一群人讀,那可能要寫不同內容, 來涵蓋更多內容,但如果是不同人讀,就要刻意重複來讓這兩群人都看得到。 ...


Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2011-07-14T21:01
各位前輩好 我目前打算申請2012Fall, 正職的工作經驗大約一年半,到明年若順利出去會有約2年半的工作經驗,加上當兵預官 一年算3年多。 有些問題想請教版上的各位, 第一是工作經驗的問題, 如上所述,其實自知2年半的正式工作經驗算是偏短,(而且今年申請時才只有一年多) 不過因為念碩班的緣故,所以年紀也不 ...

Paragraphs in an essay

Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2011-07-14T15:22
Interesting note my friend—but you are correct, there should be no subtitles in your final essays. Feel free to reach out to us, we can send you some samp ...

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Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2011-07-14T12:56
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Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2011-07-14T11:38
想出國進修,MBA還是你的唯一選擇嗎? 傑出商學碩士與你分享非傳統MBA的生涯規劃! 時間: 2011/7/27(三) 晚上7:30-9:30 地點: 台北福華大飯店 406會議室 (台北市仁愛路三段160號) 除了少數的Part-time MBA,Full-time MBA不僅要學生從辦公室完全轉 ...