Re: 18歲時,你該知道的50件事 - 職涯

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2010-01-25T01:29

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※ 引述《cofecup (咖啡杯)》之銘言:
: 28) If you don't know the agenda of the people you're getting your news from,
: then you don't have the information you need to know if what they're telling
: you is true.
: 如果你無法確定現在別人跟你說的消息是從那裡來的,即便是真實的消息,其實你沒有得
: 到任何有效的資訊。


: 37) If you don't feel like you're being treated fairly by a company, don't
: hesitate to ask for a manager. Oftentimes, a manager has gotten to where he
: is in a company because he is good at pleasing customers like you in the
: first place.
: 如果你覺得你在公司沒有被公平地對待,不用馬上去找經理談。因為大部分經理的工作就
: 是對付像你這種人。


: 41) If you just assume that every conspiracy theory is wrong without even
: examining it, you will be right 99.99% of the time.
: 如果你認為沒有任何證據的陰謀論都是錯的,那麼你有99.99%的機會是對的。


: 42) "It's likely that whatever challenges you have faced in your life
: currently could have been avoided but some better decisions upstream." --
: Tony Robbins
: 不管你現在生活面對著什麼著的難題,你可以選擇逃避,但有時候更好的選擇是正面挑戰


: 45) "If you want your life to have impact, focus it! Stop dabbling. Stop
: trying to do it all. Do less. Prune away even good activities and do only
: that which matters most. Never confuse activity with productivity. You can be
: busy without a purpose, but what's the point?" -- Rick Warren
: 如果你要你的生活緊縮一點,那就專心一點。不要再閒晃或去玩,最好想都不要想。就算
: 是有益的事也不用去作,只要作工作上的事就好。只要是有關工作的事就不要遲疑去做就
: 對了。然後你就會忙碌又沒有目的。不過 ,這又有什麼意義呢?


: 46) Ironically, successful people tend to fail a lot more than unsuccessful
: people. They also tend to ask a lot more questions.
: 肯定的是,成功的人比不成功的人設想更多失敗,他們也設想自已更多問題


: 47) When you consider Christianity, keep in mind this classic quotation from
: C.S. Lewis, "If I, being what I am, can consider that I am in some sense a
: Christian, why should the different vices of those people in the next pew
: prove that their religion is mere hypocrisy and convention?"
: 當你思考基督教教義時,想想C.S Lewis的經典格言「如果我以現在的情況自認對於基督
: 的教義有點認識,那為什麼坐在隔壁的人種種惡行讓他們的信仰看起來只不過是偽善跟肓
: 從?」

老實說 這句的原義我真的看不懂XD

Tags: 職涯

All Comments

Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2010-01-25T08:23
47可能要閱讀整篇CS Lewis的信才能正確理解..有勞您了 :P
Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2010-01-26T03:14

Re: 18歲時,你該知道的50件事

Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2010-01-25T01:09
※ 引述《Aquatics (小哈)》之銘言: : 這條翻譯得有問題 : 我的理解如下: : 跟某人談交易(例如租屋、買賣、合作案),可能可以砍價時,那不妨試著去砍價。 : (砍價很少造成損失)。 : 除了以下情況 : 1. 對方非常精明 : 2. 這個對象會跟你長期配合 : 3. 你會需要對 ...

Re: 18歲時,你該知道的50件事

Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2010-01-24T22:46
※ 引述《cofecup (咖啡杯)》之銘言: : 4) If youand#39;re working with someone who can be bargained down on a price, it : seldom hurts to try. The exceptions may be som ...


Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2010-01-24T22:08
我覺得興趣非常重要, 像我現在工作就有點行屍走肉的過生活, 上班一條蟲,只有和同事聊天有點存在感, 工作做的很煩。其實工作並不是很忙很累。 我做的也還好。 我覺得沒興趣的工作不會因為做的久就變的有興趣。 從我念大學到現在也已經10幾年了, 但是不太可能會轉行, 沒專長怎麼轉行。 有時想想,等熬到當主管就可 ...


Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2010-01-24T21:57
我覺得這很難說念好還是不念比較好, (雖然我覺得比較支持你念)。 現在大學學歷的人很多, 若你有一張碩士文憑, 起碼找RD類的工作或其他專職的工作,感覺比較專業些。 不過依你所言,對現在的工作很滿意。 再多考慮看看囉。 碩士證書對升遷多少有些幫助。 ※ 引述《gwoo (一切都會平靜的)》之銘言: : ...

Re: 18歲時,你該知道的50件事

Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2010-01-24T21:44
: : 30) and#34;When youand#39;re 18, you worry about what everybody is thinking of you; when : : youand#39;re 40, you donand#39;t give a darn what anybody ...