Summary of 2012 MBA Application Trends - 工管

Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2012-10-07T16:44

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Do you want to apply to an MBA program? You may know that MBA programs are

becoming more and more competitive every year, but just how competitive were

they in 2011-2012?

The Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) conducted a survey this year

with 744 programs from 359 business schools in 46 countries. 527 of these

were MBA programs, with 24 PhD/DBA Business Doctoral Programs, and 193

specialized Masters programs. The key findings clearly show a rise in

applications to MBA programs across the board.

The GMAC's key findings include:

- 51 percent of all graduate management programs reported more applicants than last year, 39 percent reported fewer, and 9 percent reported no change.
- Specialized master旧 programs in fields such as management, accounting, and finance continue to enjoy robust growth. For the fifth straight year, majorities of each program type report more applications than the year before.
- Fueled by application gains among online and distance offerings, 46 percent of all MBA programs saw improved volumes in 2012, 45 percent saw declines, and 10 percent reported no change.
- The trend toward greater internationalization in applicant pools continues, with most program types reporting increased or steady application volume from foreign citizens.
- The quality of applicant pools remains strong. Some 90 percent of all MBA programs and 94 percent of specialized master旧 programs reported that their 2012 applicant pool was more than or as qualified as last year旧 applicant pool.

- Source:

As an applicant from Taiwan to international MBA programs, what should be

running through your mind when you see numbers like this?

A few things:

It's important to remember that MBA programs prize solid work experience, and

well-rounded personalities who will contribute unique value to their community,

and student body. MBA programs receive a large number of applications every

single year from students with perfect scores and grades, all of which tend

to blend together. Remember to be thinking about your own unique and global


MBA programs prize diversity. As an international student applying to western

MBA programs, you bring unique cultural and social perspective to bear on the

program's coursework and social environment. Admissions officers see

diversity as a unique point of differentiation which will be attractive to

their domestic application pool. When you are applying to MBA programs,

remember to emphasize your roots, your cultural background, and your

enthusiasm and respect for western style business culture: in the eyes of

admissions officers in the west - you are the diversity they prize.

The way you tell your story really matters. As mentioned above - grades and

scores are not always the most important factor in the mind of the admissions

officer. They want to understand your ethics, your values, your moral

conscience. They want to understand that when you graduate and go into the

world to become a successful management consultant or executive, that you

will make decisions which will lead you to acheive great success, and

increase the value of their University's brand. As an applicant from Taiwan,

you can emphasize the role of family values and morality in your culture, and

communicate to the admissions staff that these values directly translate into

your personal philosophy on business, and management.


Even though the volume of applications for MBA programs have increased this

year, and even though all of the numbers indicate that this will be one of

the most competitive years for MBA applications ever, you don't have to

despair. What is most important is to focus on how you emphasize your unique

points of differentiation, and how you will bring value to your target

school's community.

Please refer to the catalogue of freely available information and strategies

written up on my blog to serve as a reference in your application process.

If you would like more individualized help in optimizing your application and

crafting your unique story, feel free to reach out to me, David, at

[email protected].


Transcend Admissions Consultants

Tags: 工管

All Comments


Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2012-10-03T18:27
想跟大家分享找Transcend Admission裡面的顧問David幫忙修改MBA essays的心得 先說一下結果 Admitted: Michigan Ross/UT McCombs/ Interview: Berkerley Haas 拿到interview的命中率是100% 現在剛好是R1/ ...

Message from Admissions Office (UCLA)

Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2012-10-02T15:43
各位對MBA有興趣的申請者大家好: 今天剛好藉一個機會跟Craig聊了一下。 (Craig Hubbell, Director of MBA Admissions Administration, UCLA Anderson School of Management) 基本上,談話的重點是在台灣學生( ...

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Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2012-09-13T00:35
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Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2012-09-12T12:33
不好意思 可能我的問法沒有問清楚 我的疑惑是 近年來mba錄取的學生越來越多元 可能再進去讀之前是藝術或是在軍隊之類 完全沒有商業背景 如果讀完mba之後 那些頂尖的銀行為什麼要錄取你? 就憑一張mba兩年學歷的文憑 他就要相信一個沒有工作經驗的人嗎? 理論跟實務之間的距離難道只要讀完mba就可以跨越 ...

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