Three myths of RESUMES - 工管

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2011-07-19T01:15

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One thing I love to do guys, is to DISPEL myths. So...lets have at it.

Today I wanna talk about RESUMES. Three myths to talk about:

1) Schools want to see the resume in THEIR specific format.

Nothing could be further from the truth. We at have tons of formats--the one
from HBS (that they gave to me when I was a student there in 2003-2005), the
Wharton resume, the CBS one. And ALL are just fine. You dont need to send
Wharton a "Wharton resume," or HBS an "HBS resume" etc. Pick the format that
suits you--any of these professional templates will be juuuust fine. But yes,
it WILL have to be professional No need though to worry about "which school
wants to see which template..."

2) Two pages is as good as one.

Some schools will allow you to submit TWO pages for a resume. But is better. Why? Well, the bar shoots higher if you include two
pages. Dont make the adcom member look at your long-winded resume, and say
"Gosh lots of words here. But if this OTHER applicant has achieved more, and
HE was able to do a one page resume, why did THIS applicant need two?" Unless
you have TRULY accomplished a great deal in your career, one page should be
juuust fine. And much STRONGER than a two pager, since you can pick your
greatest hits...

3) Jargon makes you look knowledgeable.

Now to be sure, SOME jargon is unavoidable in resumes. And there is a place
for it--more so than in the essays, for example. But...too much jargon will
not fly. Make sure that a 16 year old could understand 90% of what you write
in the essay. It is great if you work in a technical area, and schools will
of course expect you to have some specific, technical expertise. But ANYONE
needs to be able to understand the thing. The most heartbreaking resumes are
the ones where youve read a full page (or even two), and you still are left
wondering, "Erm, but what does this guy actually DO for a living..."

Hope this helps guys. Feel free to reach out for me and I can send some great
templates out. And good luck!

Jon Frank
HBS 2005
Co-Founder Precision Essay

Tags: 工管

All Comments

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2011-07-23T19:15
John avatar
By John
at 2011-07-28T14:02
me too~


Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2011-07-16T23:12
Hello my friend—we have worked with countless folks in your position, whether from Korea or Taiwan etc. And your work experience is just fine. Between th ...

MIT 的 Cover Letter

Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2011-07-16T23:09
Yep, the same people will read the cover letter and the essay. So your move is to treat that cover letter…just like one of the essays! It will be your ca ...

密西根Ross商學院 - MBA說明會

William avatar
By William
at 2011-07-16T16:13
※ [本文轉錄自 GMAT 看板 #1E8KQ_6w ] 作者: tootoobenee (A級垂耳兔) 看板: GMAT 標題: [情報] 密西根Ross商學院 - MBA說明會 時間: Sat Jul 16 16:07:23 2011 全球知名的密西根Ross商學院即將在台灣舉行MBA說?明會, 今 ...

MIT 的 Cover Letter

Una avatar
By Una
at 2011-07-14T21:01
請問一下,MIT Sloan的Cover Letter,裡面的內容,跟essay裡面,要寫不 一樣嗎? Cover Letter和essay 讀的人是同一群嗎? 因為覺得寫的東西有可能會重複,如果是同一群人讀,那可能要寫不同內容, 來涵蓋更多內容,但如果是不同人讀,就要刻意重複來讓這兩群人都看得到。 ...


Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2011-07-14T21:01
各位前輩好 我目前打算申請2012Fall, 正職的工作經驗大約一年半,到明年若順利出去會有約2年半的工作經驗,加上當兵預官 一年算3年多。 有些問題想請教版上的各位, 第一是工作經驗的問題, 如上所述,其實自知2年半的正式工作經驗算是偏短,(而且今年申請時才只有一年多) 不過因為念碩班的緣故,所以年紀也不 ...