(大學)面試自我介紹(英文翻譯) - 面試

By Ethan
at 2012-04-08T00:00
at 2012-04-08T00:00
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By Irma
at 2012-04-11T01:48
at 2012-04-11T01:48
My whole family is pious christian, religion has a great impact on me, it is my soul pillar and self restriction.Sport and music are my interests, I have contact the surface of many sports, basketball is my favorite sport of all-time, I have faith at my basketball skills, I hope to earn some honour for my major.
For music, I have contact different music style from time to time, researched about guitar and music theory.Currently I am working on creating different lyrics and different kind of music as a goal, hopefully understanding deeper layer.
I participated in different basketball competitions, music competitions, and performance, from the past experience I learned all kinds of "leadership", "problem solving" skills, also implying these skills on my studying and life.
My home county is at Chu-nan, Miauli, it "was" a village,however these year it has developed into a Science Industrial Park. From my childhood memories, we used to explore all kinds ofdifferent things, and create different tools from materials we have.There were a lot of different farming machines, and that sparked my interest toward machinery.Recent years, more and more relatives around me have interest into machinery, into factory information, also sometimes listening to these information, inspired me technology industry, from model toys to different kinds of inventions. Solving problems is my self-development motivations, so I am working on machinery as a goal.Hoping to combine my technology interest and use these skill completely, improving modern technology, making society more convenience.

By Kristin
at 2012-04-11T16:21
at 2012-04-11T16:21
您會這樣問就是還不知道很多人都是有靠技巧與方法考上的 您應該聽過「推甄選解碼」第5刷可以索取了 (網路上有很多人錄取的那個) 你知道的話就快去看看吧 一起加油喔! 很多榜首都是看這本書裡面的內幕考上的,你也一起加油!
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