急-20點-幫忙將中文自傳翻譯成英文~ - 工作

Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2008-04-19T00:00

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這個是我要幫別人翻譯的,但是自認英文程度so so

All Comments

Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2008-04-22T11:14
部落格網址: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/supercanada2007/
Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2008-04-19T07:32
Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2008-04-20T18:18
Mass organization activity and work experience:
I am participate in the heart bridge society in the school, I have held the post of information department group leader, also holds the post of session of mass organizations fine time passages always to hold densely, often holds a meeting with mass organization's person, also will work the assignment to be very good. Our mass organization conducts the activity often is greatly very full, everybody said very amusingly. The work is graduates from the high school to the university four years all works in the Taiwan hundred victories Kentuckey limited liability company, as soon as goes in from the service person starts. Because I work the very positive effectiveness, also all presses the company the standard, therefore my seven months on promotion for training. Our vice- principle likes arranging me very much to bring to teach the new person, because I can apply flexibly the teaching material, enables the new person to be allowed very quick to enter the condition. When I meet the question, I also can go with mine vice- principle discuss my opportunity spot. After promotion training to half year, my dining room manager on does not rise me works as group leader. After period of time disciplining with under the senior group leader's leadership, I in on-duty aspect and so on management, personnel's disposition and communication and…customer complaint, all may assume sole responsibility for an important task, but the service person and the training also all very much likes with me discussing in the work the opportunity spot.


Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2008-04-19T00:00
請各位先進們能列舉所引用的條文,並且稍微說明一下嗎?謝謝!條文只要說明是用什麼法的第幾條即可,條文內 ...


Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2008-04-19T00:00
請問忠明南路以及五權西街附近有什麼呢?最近因為工作的關係,要搬家去那邊住。請問附近有沒有夜市之類的呢 ...


Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2008-04-19T00:00
我到職日式93年11月29日~離職日是97年5月16日我97年4月17號辦理離職我們公司在算特休是以到職日算ㄉ~這樣我可以放 ...


Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2008-04-19T00:00
我們家申請綠卡快申請到了所以打算移民美國目前我 高三快畢業 要過完暑假就升大一我預計讀 明年秋季班( ...


Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2008-04-19T00:00
貴公司是一家資訊科技公司,專門代理國外X品牌的電腦產品,為企業提供系統分析、規劃、設定、維修等工作。�� ...