急需。。幫我翻成英文~~我很會感謝您的~ - 工作

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2011-12-19T00:00

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不論是平常和朋友相處,或是學校的團體活動時,我常扮演著領導者的角色。我對自己感興趣的工作總是一頭栽進去,一旦決定參與任何事務,一定會達成目標。從國稅局的打工經驗中,我也發現未來的工作對我的影響很大。所以,我學會了今日事今日畢的重要性,也因此更有興趣投入相關行業的工作。過去的工作經驗中讓我能夠有, 能力讓我能建立與維持在顧客間的良好關係,也期許自己未來可以在工作領域中有更好的表現。

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Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2011-12-22T08:39
I grew up in a warm and happy family, State of the economy in a well-to-do family, families get along with each other and between music and harmony. Developed from genetic parents seriously responsible personality such traits also make me to be quite special efforts; parents take a strict approach to my discipline, from small open optimistic lang I,occasionally use holidays to do some outdoor leisure activities.
During my former role on behalf of the class, belonging to the upper level. I majored in finance, but I want to absorb the financial expertise of experience, so in addition to coursework, I will go to the Library Journal of finance, so as to enrich the financial knowledge to understand the direction of its future work; and I opportunities through a variety of reading books and periodicals, enhance my learning financial, let me also be handy in future work. Very grateful to my teacher is teaching in the classroom that I learned many valuable lessons, so I believe that in its future work, more confidence in the team maximize the effectiveness of cooperation, will be able to work and complete the task.
Be they normally get along with friends, or school groups activities, In their long careers, require their own can have a perfect performance, to work can be hard to achieve company goals, is ready to work overtime for companies striving more contributor to the company. Want to be able to earn excess profits for the company, to fulfill their part. Finally, thank you reviewing your resume, looking forward to grow with your company, and urge enterprises to interview.
2011-12-19 22:42:04 補充:
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Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2011-12-20T23:48
I grow in the middle of the warm happy small family, the financial circumstance is in the well-off family, between the family member each other is together happily with harmonious. From small has inherited the father and mother earnest responsible individuality, this kind of special characteristic also causes me to do stages a rebellion specially diligently; The parents teach regarding me adopt the way severely, but has court attendant's optimistic me since childhood, has more opportunities, in is together on non-ordinary remarks coming with the friend, may say from small has established the lively extroversion and the earnest responsible good foundation. Usually a person's time likes reading the finance and economics books, occasionally will go using the holiday to engage in some outdoors leisure activity.
John avatar
By John
at 2011-12-21T18:22
I grew up in a warm and happy family, State of the economy in a well-to-do family, families get along with each other and between music and harmony. Developed from genetic parents seriously responsible personality such traits also make me to be quite special efforts; parents take a strict approach to my discipline, from small open optimistic lang I, with more opportunities to talk with friends getting along very, it can be said that since childhood laid a good basis for lively and extroverted, and responsible. Usually when someone likes to read the financial books, occasionally use holidays to do some outdoor leisure activities.
During my former role on behalf of the class, belonging to the upper level. I majored in finance, but I want to absorb the financial expertise of experience, so in addition to coursework, I will go to the Library Journal of finance, so as to enrich the financial knowledge to understand the direction of its future work; and I opportunities through a variety of reading books and periodicals, enhance my learning financial, let me also be handy in future work. Very grateful to my teacher is teaching in the classroom that I learned many valuable lessons, so I believe that in its future work, more confidence in the team maximize the effectiveness of cooperation, will be able to work and complete the task.
Be they normally get along with friends, or school groups activities, I often played the role of leader. I am interested in your own work is always crashing in, once you've decided to participate in any transaction, will reach the target. From the IRS work experience, and I found that I had a great influence on future work. So, I learned the importance of do today, and therefore more interested into related industries. Past work experience allowing me to have, the ability that I can establish and maintain good relations between the customer, also hopes for their own future can have better performance in the areas of work.


Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2011-12-19T00:00
公公今年58歲,認識了一位今年39歲的女生.兩人交往2年了他和我先生說:我要續弦,並不排除生小孩的打算.小姑也被�� ...


Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2011-12-19T00:00
父母親離異我的戶籍在嘉義母親在一起但是我跟小孩住在台北爺爺家(爸爸的父親)母親名下沒有不動產也沒有工作� ...


Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2011-12-19T00:00
因為小弟蒙懂無知的關係XD不小心誤觸了釣魚網站因為卡巴沒任何警告我也不知道atat是經由網友告知我才知道XDDD�� ...


Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2011-12-19T00:00
我和我男友要去拜月老!!想帶百合花過去拜!請問我們是要帶「沒開」還是「半開」還是「全開」的呢???拜完後,是 ...


Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2011-12-19T00:00
小時候家裡很窮.媽媽拼命工作賺錢給我們讀書.沒少給我們.鄰居欺負我們.我們姊妹保護媽媽被打.為了保護哥哥.都 ...