成會~聯合成本分攤兩題問題~ - 會計

Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2010-10-22T00:40

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Able company manufactures products A and B from a joint process.
Joint costs are allocated by the relative sales value method. Relevant data
are given below:
Product A Product B Total
Units 5,000 3,000 8,000
Joint costs ? ? $40,000
Sales value at split-off $30,000
Additional cost if processed further $20,000 15,000 35,000
Additional revenue if processed further 40,000 20,000 60,000

There is no market for A at split-off.
Assume that both A and B were processed further and sold.
What was the profit on B?


Mig Co., which began operations in 2001, produces gasoline and a gasoline
br-product. The following information is available pertaining to 2001 sales
and production:

Total production costs to split-off point $120,000
Gasoline sales 270,000
By-product sales 30,000
Gasoline inventory, 12/31/2001 15,000
Additional by-product costs:
Marketing 10,000
Production 15,000

Mig accounts for the by-product at the time of production.
What are Mig’s 2001 cost of sales for gasoline and the by-product?

(A: gasoline: $100,000 ; the by-product: $20,000)



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Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2010-10-21T23:51
下列哪一個成本流動假設與商品實質流動情形較為一致? A後進先出 B先進先出 C 加權平均 D重置成本 答案為B 先進先出法為符合期末評價,但我覺得答案應是A,收入配合費用 較符合實質流動, 有高手可以解釋一下這題的意思嗎? - ...


Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2010-10-21T22:24
台北公司X7年12月31日支票收支紀錄簿餘額為$160,000該日台北公司之保險箱中存放有 下列項目: (A)以台北公司為受款人支票之紙,面額$5,000,發票日為X8年1月3日 該支票未列入X7年12月31日支票收支紀錄簿餘額中。 (B)以台北公司為受款人支票之紙,面額$35,000,台北公司於X7 ...

一題 應計基礎的題目

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2010-10-21T15:36
※ 引述《ydo1101 (dd)》之銘言: : 這題看似簡單 我卻不會算Orz... : Q:某公司於2001年支付保險費$87,000,並全數列為當年度的保險費 : 但經會計師查核後認為,應計基礎下相關科目金額應是 : 2000年12月31日 2001年12月31 ...


Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2010-10-21T15:06
13版 中譯本 6-37 節錄部分 在2009/10/1 Vallari批發公司嘗試計畫至2010/1/31的現金收入與支出 之後有一筆$150,000的票據將要支付,此筆金額是在9月時借入,以支應 11月與12月時營業高峰所需 12月1日之部分總帳餘額如下 現 ...


Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2010-10-21T12:43
1.向銀行借入現金100,000 利率12% 為何分錄在負債的會計科目為and#34;短期借款and#34;? 從12%看出這是一年以下的債務嗎? 該怎麼分辨短期借款與長期借款呢? thx - ...