英文自傳待批 - offer

Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2013-06-18T07:37

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※ 引述《junkos (醬克斯)》之銘言:
: 主要想請問應徵media planner這個職位還需要在文章裡強調哪些特質呢?
: 麻煩板上先進幫忙指點迷津,謝謝!
: Born and raised in a middle class family, I have always been told to be
: hardworking and responsible for what I chose to do as I want. This is the
: very principle of my life and does contribute a lot to my education and
: part-time job experience. In addition to the serious and efficient attitude
: toward official events, yet I still perceive a quite flexible and amiable
: lifestyle in private as those who have got along with me may describe my
: personality.
: Graduated in NCCU, department of sociology, I have been trained to be
: passionately curious about people around us, and dedicated to solving
: problems. Because of many team works and the experience of executing two
: quantitative research projects and one qualitative documentary, I am equipped
: with a very keen sense to statistical numbers and great interpersonal skills,
: team spirits, and excellent communication ability.
: Also, contacting with people is to me a really interesting matter and leads
: me to become a waiter of table service for three years. In the substantial
: and highly intensive three-year work experience, I have become very good at
: dealing with customers' problem and good at coping with a great deal of
: pressure.
: Due to my personal backgrounds and characteristics, I feel that the position
: offered would be ideal in giving me the opportunity to use my education and
: skills to serve as a media planner for this enterprise with high prestige in
: its own field. I sincerely look forward to hearing from you.

Overall, I'm not sure if you are aware of "madia planning" enough. Concerning
your work experiences, it makes you a better team wokrer. However, you need to
realize a market planner needs to a)analyze client's target markets, b)meet
client's needs, c)to be, at least, intersted in every medium that an ad might
apply for.
Based on your autobiography, I see you are good at dealing with statistics.
That's good. I suggest you explain it a bit more; so as to let your boss know
you will be able to apply this key skills into works. Other than this, I don't
think you show other characteristics that fits media planner.
So, I strongly suggest you rewrite it. First, your work experiences. And then,
explains why it matters with the job your applying for.

It's my view. Not guarantee you it's exactly what your boss is looking for.

Good Luck.

Tags: offer

All Comments

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2013-06-22T11:21


Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2013-06-18T07:32
各位關心我的版友們: 之後人資經理又有向我解釋主管做此決定之用心良苦 希望版眾們鞭小力一點,問題是出在我自己不願意接受此條件 公司絕對沒有錯 再批評下去,會害人資找不到適任的優秀人才 ---------------------------------------------------------- ...

offer 選擇

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2013-06-17T20:48
公司 網路通訊元件製造 IC封裝測試 月薪 30K 37K(日班)~45K(夜班) 職位 國內業務人員 生產線主任 工時 ...


Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2013-06-17T17:25
Salary版的朋友們 繼上次PO文請教意見後 公司隨即發信給我,通知拒絕任用 內容大意如下: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ XXX 您好 透過公司同仁得知您在網路上搜尋外派於賴索托的 ...


Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2013-06-16T15:11
公司 矽品 力成 月薪 45 46 職位 製程工程師 產品工程師 工時 0815~1725 ...


Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2013-06-15T02:09
之前去面試一家公司 有規模 有上市 這次已經是複試了 但整個面試完全沒有面試的感覺 主要是人資跟直屬主管兩個在講解 主管講解工作內容 講完就跟人資說OK他要先去忙了 人就離開了 人資接著說主管應該OK 接著就開始談薪資和福利還有上班時間什麼的 薪資的部份他說我開出的公司一定可以達到 福利也 ...