這兩年不是美國人別出國唸金融相關碩 - 金融分析師

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2009-03-19T14:43

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※ 引述《dos792 (aa)》之銘言:
: 一些主要銀行公佈不幫辦H1b簽証了(BOA,JPM...)
: 所以意思很清楚
: 現在的簽証制度很機歪,據說只要工作與金融相關就90%以上不給辦
: 這可能會持續兩年以上
: 所以, 還在美國的快找個老美假結婚吧...
: 至於還沒出國的? 也許可以把兩百萬省下來做其他用途



Why foreign MBAs can't find good jobs in the U.S.
Companies that get stimulus funds face hurdles hiring them


Under the provision in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009,
however, employers who accept money under the Troubled Asset Relief Program
or discounted loans under certain Federal Reserve programs must provide extra
certifications on their applications for H-1B visas.

First, they must attest to having taken “good faith steps” to recruit or
retrain a U. S. worker for the same job for which the foreign worker is being
considered. And they must show that no U. S. worker was displaced by the H-1B
worker in an equivalent position, either at the employer’s own work site or
at any outside work site where the employer placed an H-1B worker.

The law expires in February 2011.

The new provisions already apply to a significant portion of the financial
services industry that would hire foreign students. All of the nation’s
largest banks and brokerages, as well as American International Group and two
of the three big U. S. automakers, have already taken money under TARP. So
have many regional and community banks — although smaller institutions are
less likely to use H-1B workers.

Additionally, as the Fed expands its array of new credit lines to jumpstart
the capital markets, many other insurance and finance companies that tap them
will also be drawn in.

And even if the companies don’t have to comply with the restrictions, many
banks are finding that the effort to hire foreign workers isn’t worth the
headaches and risk to reputation.

The Jayasimhas have already fell victim to that. Between the first week of
November and the second week of December, Pragati nearly got finance jobs
three times, with insurers Axa and MetLife and with HSBC. Then the companies
found out she would need an H-1B, and the jobs disappeared.


All Comments

Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2009-03-21T05:01
Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2009-03-23T02:24
Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2009-03-24T17:50

企管系 以後想走 財金OR財工

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2009-03-18T23:47
研究所想念財工不用怕沒學過或聽不懂 財研所也不是每個人大學都念理工或財金的 當然提早準備是好事 不過好好享受大學生活 多看多玩拓展視野 也許是比較好的選擇 真的要修課的話可以參考清大計財的課程設計 http://www.qf.nthu.edu.tw/under/pages.php?ID=10 ...

企管系 以後想走 財金OR財工

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2009-03-18T23:34
→ dos792:光是用一般教科書,就需要用的change of measure(numeraire 03/18 22:46 → dos792:的確如果版友的目標是背背公式的話,那連狹義相對論e=mc^2 03/18 22:47 → dos792:都不難。但是如果要知道公式的極限是什麼,在不同的市場狀 03/ ...

企管系 以後想走 財金OR財工

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2009-03-18T22:28
推 sheehan:財工沒那麼難啦........... 啥數學系60% 資工系20%... 03/18 20:26 → sheehan:大學階段把機率學好比較重要 03/18 20:26 → dos792: s 兄要不要試試不用change of measure解釋black formula? 03/18 ...

Clairvoyance Capital Company Visit

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2009-03-18T00:44
2009 Clairvoyance Capital Recruitment Session- Company Visit to Clairvoyance Capital Taipei Branch Clairvoyance Capital is looking for full-time research ...

想請問一個Performance Analysis的問題

Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2009-03-17T23:20
我想請問一下版上各位強者 在cfa裡面有提到績效分析 有一套是關於有 currency effect ,allocation effect, selection effect的部份 我想問一下分別的公式 或是那本書叫什麼名字 誰寫的呢? 我只被告知要找這樣的資料 但卻連書名都沒有 所以想問各位強者 給我一個方 ...