How to Deliver your Core Message - 工管

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2013-05-27T18:33

Table of Contents

Many admissions officials have agreed that about 80% of the applicant pool is

fully qualified to do well in their programs. But as we all know, the

admission rate for most top MBA and other graduate school programs is quite


Good academic performance and test scores are critical to gaining admission.

And beyond this, applicants with plenty of great professional and other

(leadership and international) experiences have a big advantage in the

graduate school application process. The application essays are the key

vehicle that applicants can use to deliver a powerful message about these

experiences that can differentiate them from the other 80% of qualified


However, many graduate school applicants that have abundant experiences and

many skills struggle to use the essays to differentiate themselves. Applicants

often attempt to squeeze too many details about their experiences and

explanations about all the incredible skills they have into a short essay.

The result can be a cluttered message: the person has mentioned so many things

that it is hard to clearly understand their core value.

The purpose of this blog post is to encourage MBA and graduate school

candidates to first carefully think about their core value (or value

proposition) and then build the essays around that message. Perhaps your core

message is related to your international perspective, entrepreneurial mindset

or ability think proactively and solve problems. If so, find ways to weave

these concepts into your essays by explaining how this mentality affected your

past decisions and future plan.

Graduate school programs definitely look for well-rounded students - but you

don't need to convince the admissions committee that you are good at

everything. If the admissions committee can clearly understand your core

value, they will more likely have a memorable impression of you. A lot of

people have a skill or knowledge area that they are particularly strong in or

a personality trait that sets them apart. First analyze what sets you apart

and develop a core message. Then, instead of trying to persuade the admissions

committee that you are good at everything, maximize your core message and

subtly highlight your key experiences and stills related to it.

To use an analogy from business, the clothing giant Ralph Lauren now has a

prominent product line in almost every possible fashion category and

distribution around the globe. However, Ralph Lauren didn't become a global

icon overnight - this brand had humble beginnings as a necktie producer.

The company's exceptional necktie designs and elegant brand image allowed them

to accumulate a dedicated customer base that eventually led to a partnership

with a major department store and then rapid expansion from that point forward.

The bottom line is that Ralph Lauren wasn't a top designer in all product

categories from the beginning; it all started with neckties and then

everything was built from there.

Thus I challenge graduate school applicants to find their core value

(their "necktie" so to speak), and then build their own "brand image" in the

essays around those key selling points. By taking this approach you will be

able to deliver a memorable impression to the admissions committee, and

increase your chances of acceptance.

David Johnston
[email protected]

Tags: 工管

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