誰能幫我翻譯一段文字,約500字~ - 工作

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2010-07-11T00:00

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痾 大家好像都是用翻譯軟體翻的,文法都怪怪的.....:(

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Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2010-07-14T12:49
The movie makes the beginning from the very beginning by a research animal behavior's leaf reason professor, and joins loves the dog public figure to the stray dog the view and so on, by Professor Ye proposed that actually Taiwan stray dog question is our humanity's question or dog's question, the populace who visits by the street proposed again their view, are our piece wish lets everybody seeing “dog doctor” the part, the association and case Miss Zhu as well as his dog dog Yellow tells us by Taiwan dog doctor between them the story, may see another kind from their body to be together the way with the dog and is different with the former relations.
At present goes study the Furen University phantom dissemination department, soon must rise the fourth grade, once held the post of work and so on direction, photography, movie-making in the school photography work, summer vacation the period latitude is coming the sports Taiwan practice, has the interest to the shooting, usually the holiday will have free time will go to work, the traveling, to look at movie and so on, to will work the hopes to be possible to be engaged in many kinds of different types the work to accumulate the experience, therefore also once sold the thing, to work as the lifeguard, Mr./Mrs. An Qinban, the server and so on, will expect besides the class in the work and the skill can browse the different domain again the thing, will accumulate own experience and the idea.
This piece is mainly wants this viewpoint to cut into because of “dog doctor” to between human and dog's relations. Because they will be abandoned by us raise become the stray dog, will affect ours life quality, but if we can take them and will respect them the life, found the way which will be together with them, they can also have the enormous help to our humanity.
Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2010-07-12T07:04
Film make and begin by one research Ye MingLi Professor, animal of behavior at the beginning, is it love view in vagrant dog, personage of dog, wait to join, propose by Professor Ye Taiwan vagrant dog issue we human issue or issue, dog of itself on earth, put forward one's own view by people that street visit and then, is it let part of ' dog doctor ' that everybody see to want we the film, is it tell story, we of they to come by doctor of Taiwan dog association and case Miss Zhu and dog dog Yellow of him, can see the way and relation different from the past of getting along with the dog of another kind from them.
Study in at present and complement the image of benevolence university and propagate discipline, should rise in grade fourly soon, shot the works to once hold such work as the director, photography, film-making,etc. in the school, come to sports station to practise in the latitude during summer vacation, is interested in making film, will work as a temporary labourer, travel, see the film etc. to have time on vacation at ordinary times, is it can engaged in many kinds of different types of work accumulate experience to hope working as a temporary labourer, sell things, work as lifeguard, Ann kiss groups of Mr.s, waiters,etc too, can dabble the things of different fields more besides homework and skill in the lesson in expectation, accumulate one's own experience and idea.
This film to think the view is it cut to mankind and relation of dog to come by ' dog doctor ' mainly.
They will become the vagrant dog because of abandoned and raised by using, even influence our quality of the life, but if we can pay attention to them and respect their life, find the way to get along with them again, they can be extremely helpful to our mankind too.
John avatar
By John
at 2010-07-13T16:53
The movie begins by a study of animal behaviour to do ye know, Professor, and joined the inaugural love dogs against stray dogs views, by Professor Taiwan stray dog problem is our human or dog itself, then the people from the street views, then we show you want to let everyone see "dog", the Taiwan dog doctors Association and case Miss Zhu and his dog Yellow to tell us the story between them, from them can see another way to get along with the dog and different from the previous relationship.
Currently, Jen University image communication studies, is about to go on to fourth grade, the school shooting works served as Director, photography, film, etc., during the summer holidays are sports desk practice, on film, usual holiday free will to wage, travel, movies, etc., to get to different types of engaging in a variety of jobs to gain experience, so have the sales ever, lifeguard, teacher, waiter, etc, in addition to classroom assignments and expected skills to be able to read more in different areas, accumulate their own experiences and thoughts.
This primarily want the dog to entry "to humans and dogs. They will be abandoned and a stray dogs, and even affects our quality of life, but if we are able to pay attention to them and to respect their lives and find it again and they get along the way, they also can we human beings have a great help.


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