請幫我翻成英文(關於面試回答的問題 - 工作

Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2013-08-08T00:00

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我之前有在一家餐廳打工過幾個月,我負責幫客人帶位點餐,當客人第一次來我們會介紹今日餐點,然後我還有負責到內場去幫忙 倒飲料和裝沙拉這些比較簡單的工作,偶而也有負責櫃台收錢結帳的部分
3.到美國後 我比較想從事餐飲部分的工作,因為本身很愛吃美食,也喜歡向別人推薦好吃的,最主要的原因是因為我蠻喜歡接觸人的,可以服務不同國家的人 感覺一定很棒
因為自己英文不強 怕自己寫的 會錯太多然後面試不上

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Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2013-08-11T14:55
1. I had worked for part-time in a restaurant for several months. I was charged with leading customers to their seats as well as taking their orders, and I introduced our Daily Offerings for those whom came for the first time. I also did some simple jobs such as pouring beverages and contain salad, sometimes I helped with check job.
2. I found this America Working Holiday plan on the internet and I got great interest in this. The reason why I want to go to America is that I would like to challenge myself and experience different way of life from other countries. Also, I want to take part in this activity during my college period because I think that I should arrange the green days I have appropriately.
3. I hope I could work in restaurants because I enjoy having tasty food very much, and I also like to share the lovely dishes with others. The main reason is I actually enjoy interacting with people and I believe it is going to be wonderful to serve people from different countries.
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2013-08-09T01:37
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2013-08-11T11:39
so good
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2013-08-09T00:51
1. Work ExperienceI work at a restaurant a few months before, I can help guests with meals, when today's meals for guests we will introduce for the first time, and I am also responsible for the infield to help freshen and loaded salad with these relatively simple work, but occasionally there is responsible for part of the check out counters collect money
2. because I once found on the network to United States summer job this plan, about this kind of interest. Want to go to the United States the reason is because I wanted to challenge myself, wanted to experience life and learning experiences in different countries, is also taking advantage of yourself or students ' participation in this activity, do not waste time young
3. United States catering parts I want to work after work, owing to their love to eat good food, also like to recommend to others about good taste, the main reason was because I kind of like contact with people, people from different countries can service it must be great
Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2013-08-08T08:15
相信我, 你的英文不足以應付在美國點菜(waitress)的工作. 所以你如果去餐飲, 一定是洗碗, 擦桌子這種靠體力的雜事而已. 點菜的英文要相當好. 介紹東西不是只有把名字或是幾號寫下來而已. 美國的餐廳裡, 從沙拉, 雞蛋, 牛排...怎麼燒, 配什麼醬, 是不是可以替換, 怎麼替換, 是不是有客人不能吃或不喜歡吃的東西...都很複雜. 你在美國沒有待上一兩年, 你連自己要吃的都說不清楚, 遑論替人點菜. 在美國點錯菜小費少不說, 大廚會罵人的. 你會很沮喪.
帶位的工作會好一點. 但是你英文也會需要不錯, 還要長的和藹可親...這點也是有點現實.
2013-08-09 02:30:53 補充:
1. 在美國餐廳帶位工作的叫 hostess (或是host), 所以不必解釋一堆你的工作性質. 講說你是hostess就知道你有什麼經驗. 每天的特餐叫daily special.
我建議不必說太多各種不同的工作, 幾個月的時間part time時間你如果真的會接觸到很多不同的工作, 表示你那家餐廳小到不行. said, 怎麼可能讓你去結帳, 頂多是把帳單拿給客人不要拿錯而已. 不如介紹你在工作上觀察到的體驗. 例如笑臉迎人的優勢或是你是不是曾經靠自己的服務態度讓客人轉怒為笑容. 這種特質才是難得的. 可以跨越語言障礙所向無敵.


Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2013-08-08T00:00
我再7-11打工,當初跟店長說我想要做長期但是我做滿一個月後要去上大學所以要辭職第一天上班的時候店長有給�� ...


Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2013-08-08T00:00
請問1.華岡藝校戲劇科很難考進嗎怎麼考2.華岡戲劇科有夜間部嗎3.華岡學費有補助嗎補助多少4.華岡讀完一定可進� ...


Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2013-08-08T00:00


Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2013-08-08T00:00
某些 ...


Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2013-08-08T00:00
近期找遍了所有人力銀行的晚班工作,但時間上都無法做配合,請問各位大大們有推薦的工作嗎??晚上7點我就可以 ...